Serving Barnwell County and it's neighbors since 1852

Axis I Center staff recognized by grateful family


Earnestine Holman was presented with an award honoring her courage and dedication to sobriety at the Axis I Center of Barnwell on the morning of September 20.

Holman’s brother, Joseph Daniels, created and presented the award to his sister and thanked the team at Axis I profusely for their help in her journey. The siblings attributed her success to the dedication of the staff, who helped her every step of the way.

“The event is intended to express appreciation and celebrate the importance of the work being done by the dedicated professionals at Axis I,” said Daniels. “Thanks for saving the life of my sister who had totally lost her way.”

Daniels presented Holman with an award which stated, “You’re only as strong as you allow yourself to be, Axis I helps and teaches those individuals to be strong and embrace the happiness that follows.”

“Courage is fearlessness in a fearful situation. Courage is doing the things you cannot possibly do,” states the award.

Daniels and Holman both feel the team at the Axis I Center continue to pursue their vision of building a healthier community and empower the residents of Barnwell County to become the best version of themselves away from the negative effects of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.

The Axis I team was presented with a portrait showing Holman’s progression from 2018 to 2023.

“We say thank you from the bottom of our hearts from my sister and me,” said Daniels. “May God bless all of you at Axis I for the vital service you provide to the Barnwell community.”